#tbt: “At the Tomb of Mallarmé”

Today’s throwback Thursday poem was brought to my attention via a surprise Christmas gift from Clayton Eshleman: Eternity at Domme, a beautiful bi-lingual edition, published in France some years ago. I don’t know exactly when. The book has no copyright page.


At the Tomb of Mallarmé


Death is an erratic too source obscure to grasp.

At the end of one glacial aisle
The wanderlust of Mallarmé chrysalises.

Black wires bend over his granite cocoon.

In the breeze they tremor,



Please be sure to check our our new books, The Sulfur Anthology, edited by Clayton Eshleman, and Azure: Poems and Selections from the “Livre, by Stéphan Mallarmé, translated by Blake Bronson-Bartlett and Robert Fernandez.