New vocabulary for a world on the brink
“Affirming the imagination’s importance in effecting change, with marvelous invention this poets’ glossary of terms responsive to the Anthropocene illuminates losses and violations, offers resources, inspires hope.”
—Lynn Keller, author of Recomposing Ecopoetics
Counter-Desecration collects 135 original terms and definitions articulated by a diverse, international community of poets, including Brenda Hillman, Eileen Tabios, and Christopher Cokinos. The Anthropocene is a term proposed for our present geological epoch during which the role of humanity in the transformation of earth’s environment globally is increasingly perceptible. The terms in this glossary map new perspectives that provide a way to approach the interlinked social, economic, and environmental forces that shape our lives and the world around us.
Linda Russo is the author of three books of poetry, including Participant (Lost Roads Press), winner of the Bessmilr Brigham Poets Prize, and To Think of her Writing Awash in Light (Subito Press), a collection of lyrical essays. Her scholarly essays have appeared in Among Friends: Engendering the Social Site of Poetry (University of Iowa Press) and other edited collections. She teaches creative writing and literature at Washington State University.
Marthe Reed was the author of five books, including Nights Reading, (em)bodied bliss, and the collaborative Pleth with j hastain. She was co-publisher and managing editor for Black Radish Books, and her poems have appeared in Jacket2, Tarpaulin Sky, and New American Writing, among other publications.
144 pp., 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2 ”
Unjacketed cloth, $30.00
Paperback, $16.99
eBook, $13.99