The final writing prompt from Annie Finch… win a book!

Wesleyan University Press and Annie Finch invite you to participate in a friendly writing challenge. Take a chance at winning a copy of Annie’s new book, Spells: New and Selected Poems, while creating your own poetry.

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Throughout the coming weeks, we will post poems by Annie Finch, along with related writing prompts from Annie. We invite you to respond to each prompt with a poem of your own. Annie will select the poem that moves her most. The author of the poem will win a free copy of Spells. Please feel free to reply to each prompt with a unique poem of your own. We ask that you reply to each prompt only once, with a single poem.

Prompt for Brigid: Write a poem to a mythological being. Try writing it using cross rhymes, a style in which the end of each line rhymes with the middle of the next.  

Please send your poems, along with your with name and mailing address to

This is our final prompt from Annie Finch. We hope you’ve enjoyed and been inspired by this series!

Happy writing!


Ring, ring, ring, ring! Hammers fall.
Your gold will all be beaten
over sudden flaming fire
moving from you, the pyre. Sweeten
your cauldron, until the sun
runs with one flame through the day
and the healing water will sing,
linger on tongues, burn away.

Courtesy of Annie Finch, from Spells: New and Selected Poems (Wesleyan, 2013)